Carpets are great because of the fact that they don’t really need to be cleaned with a stressful amount of regularity. Vacuuming the dust and hair off of them about once a week should do the trick, but you also need to get them deep cleaned every once in a while because much of the dirt would be beyond your vacuum cleaner’s reach once all has been said and is now out of the way. This deep clean is one of the most intensive things that you will ever take part in, so you might want to learn a thing or two about how this process works.
You can hire a variety of commercial carpet cleaning companies to do the heavy lifting for you, namely applying the hot water extraction method with their advanced machinery, but preparing your carpet prior to their arrival can help you get better results than might have been the case otherwise. The reason behind this is that deep cleaning can be much improved if some prep work was done, so sit back while we tell you exactly what kind of preparation steps you need to take.
The key to preparing your carpet for a deep cleaning that is about to occur is to spray it with a light mist of vinegar, water and dishwashing liquid. It might be obvious to some, but we regardless need to mention that water should be the primary component of this mixture. A little bit of vinegar goes a long way, and using too much can create a smell that would be rather impossible for you to bear due to how strong and pungent it can be.